The Ki(Qi)-Energy Healing Therapy is originated in Japan like Reiki, but its effectiveness is much greater, and it works on various physical as well as psychological/emotional problems.
Friday, June 24, 2011
SAVE THE DATE! Next Meetup on September 10th!
It might be a little too far away from now, but please mark on your schedule book!
If you have pain in any part of your body, please try Ki-Energy Therapy.
We know you are skeptical, and this Meetup is people like you!
Master Shin will explain what Ki-Energy Therapy is, how it works, and will demonstrate on some participants.
Bring your family and friends!
To RSVP, visit our page
Have a great summer, everyone!
Ki-Energy Therapy
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Most dangerous side effect nobody teaches you

Please read this article.
"Side Effects? These Drugs Have A Few" By Gina Kolata (NY Times June 4th, 2011)
As I have been saying loudly that if you take any medicines continuously more than two weeks, you build up many dangerous side effects as the doctor mentioned in this article.
However, the most dangerous side effect nobody teaches you is to brainwash of your brain i.e., your brain becomes unable to detect neither your problem nor curing it.
Our brain is designed to detect a problem and try to cure it, but if you take too much help from medicines such as continuous intake of it, the brain gives up its capability and becomes medicine dependent.
Next step you take is an additional medicine to cover additional side effects you face, and on and on.
If you have questions about Ki-Energy Healing Therapy
Feel free to contact us at
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
WHO says Cell Phones may cause cancer
On Tuesday, May 31st 2011, WHO announced that Cell Phones "MAY" raise risk of brain cancer.
The news has been all over the places today, so you may have seen on TV and/or papers already.
Okay, it's dangerous to use the cell phone now. But you all need it, don't you?
There are a couple of options to reduce the risk of the EMF radiation.
1) Use less and use earpieces when available to reduce the time and amount of the radiation. Some news said "text instead", but I am not sure about it. The land line is safer, so try to use it when you are at home or workplace.
2) Neutralize the EMF waves. If you block the waves, it will interfere the connection. But if you neutralize, your connection level stays the same. Sounds cool, right?
The little sticker(about 1 inch diameter) can do a great work for you, so try them today!
To purchase, please follow the link HERE
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About Me
- Master Shin
- The first time I encountered the genuine Ki-energy was more than 38 years ago when I severely strained my shoulder playing baseball. Though I visited many doctors and other professionals such as physical therapists, acupuncture and shiatsu, none of the treatments worked. Then, I met Ki-energy healer. I could hardly believe on what he does, but I had to give a try because every other methods failed. He touched my shoulder for 30 minutes and said, “You will have no pain in a couple of days.” Believe it or not, the pain was really gone from my shoulder. Since then, I became a true believer of “Ki-energy”. For my graduate work at Ithaca College, I did a scientific research on “Ki” and wrote a thesis called “The Effect of Ki-Ai in Force Production”. Since my study was the first ever done in USA, the effects of Ki power has been tested in many universities. Later, I was involved in a car accident and became disable to walk.This time again, no medical professionals could help. So, I decided to master the Ki-energy myself. I tried and finally got back to as healthy as I used to be. After I overcame my problem, I started to heal others who have pain.